hirom header org $C23D44 ; C2/3D43: 18 CLC JSR extra BCS $3D62 ; Exit function if auto-revive ruled out ; C2/3D49: B9 95 3C LDA $3C95,Y (Doom effect jumps here) ; (Rest of this function unchanged) ; ------------------ org $C267?? extra: LDA #$7E ; tell upcoming function it's x-kill as opposed to dice-up JSR $3890 ; special effect for insta-kill weapons sec ; assume no auto-revive to start LDA $3AA1,Y BIT #$04 ; protected from instant death? bne no ; branch if so LDA $3A70 ; number of strikes remaining from Offering / ; Dragon Horn / etc BEQ yes ; if this is final strike, branch LDA $B5 CMP #$16 BEQ no ; Exit if Command = Jump (and Carry is thus set) yes: clc ; indicate auto-revive no: rts