7e1035: on ground = 0000h, lifted = 0001h, start of throw before release = 0006h, rest of throw = 0002h 7e10dd (seems variable whether address applies to barrel): on ground = 00D5h, lifted = 00DBh, throw starting about at release = 00E1h 7e11ad: on ground = 0010h, lifted = 0000h, most of throw starting about at release = 0020h, end parts of throw = 0030h 7e13f5: on ground (starting) = 0000h, lifting = 0000h (set very briefly) then 0013h then 0014h then 0004h, lifted = uneven alternating FFFEh and FFFFh (but gets altered to various 000N values during character movement), lowering to ground = 0004h then 0014h, put back on ground = 0010h, throw start = various values, throw from about at release = 0000h again 7e16f5 (two states?): on ground = 0000h, lifted = 000Ch, throw from about at release = 0000h again